A Bit About Me

Hi, my name is Bradleigh. I am a wife, a mother and a quilter.
My quilting journey started many years ago. At the beginning I quilted by hand (still do occasionally for fun). Then, as my piecing sped up and the number of quilt tops started piling up waiting to be quilted, I tried to quilt on my domestic machine, but it usually ended up just being straight line quilting to get the project done.
As I visited quilt shows and expos, I dreamed of the day when I could invest in a long arm machine. I played with every machine I could get my hands on. I longed for the tools to be able to put as much love and artistic flair into the quilting as I did the top.
When that time finally came, I was ecstatic.
Now, my dream is it to help quilters of all abilities get that pile of tops quilted, so they can be finished and used as they were intended to be.